ent jasmine flower tea, it is put forward that the deposed flower is recycled. It can be extracted jasmine concentrated liquid, produced jasmine instant tea powder、jasmine polysaccharides and jasmine flavone. In addition, the root and leaf of jasmine flower can be utilized to produc medicine for curing many kinds of diseases. On this base, the image of industry chain of jasmine flower is put forward.Key words: jasmine flower; utilization of deposed flower; industry chain of jasmine floweer
茉莉花学名是Jasminum sambac(L.) Ait,原产于波斯(今伊朗),也有人认为原产于印度和阿拉伯之间,约于汉代时由印度传入我国,汉.陆贾《南越行纪》中记有“南越之境,五谷无味,百花不香,此二花(指耶溪茗花、茉莉花)特芳香者,源自胡国移至,不随水土而变”。晋.嵇含(263-306)《南方草木状》载有:“耶溪茗花,茉莉花皆胡人自西国移植于南海。南人怜其芳香,竞竞植之”。耶溪茗花是素方花(Jasmin